Wednesday 20 October 2010

white wolf

white wolf is a story about a boy who is bitten by a rare white wolf and becomes one. he seeks out the one who made him for revenge taking him through time to the present day when he finaly tracks him down.

This movie idea came to me from a picture i did back in college and its been in my head ever since and i beleive its one of my strongest ideas because it holds promise for a good movie franchise aswell as games from it.

Obviously by puting it up here i put my self in fireing range of anyone who could see this and copy it and make money from it claiming its there idea without me being able to do anything but cry about it but on the up side of that i will know it was my idea and if they dont create the movie r game to the spec i have in my head then it will be a fail because i have thought of almost everything about the movie including sequel along with the vision i have of things look.... in other words go ahead and copy my idea for your gain but without me heading the project i am sure it will be a fail.

now onto the movie.

The movie starts with a family and a young boy of age 16 who is out in the woods collecting fire wood when he is attacked suddenly. He knows it was a wolf and manages to get away but not without takeing a bite. He tells his father who then goes out with his gun to look for it but finds nothing. The family go to bed, In the morning the boy awakes to see blood on his bed and floor he quickly runs out to chek his family to find them slaughterd/butcherd, his mother, father, sister. If the shock of seeing his family dead was not enough he relises it wasn't the wolf that attacked him who did this but him, he changed in the night and killed his family. In shock and angry he goes out looking for the one who did this to him. In the woods while looking he meets another person who hides out in the woods away from others who happans to be a were wolf aswell but not like him, he helps the boy with the powers he has and how to control what he has become. Skiping ahead through the centurys of looking/tracking the mysterious white wolf that bitten him he finaly tracks him down to america in 2010. times have changed, were wolves r no longer a secret and vampires and demons r known through out the world yet not all demons r fully known. The boy now a man first comes into contact with a female vampire as she is herrassed by a pack of were wolves working for the very one he has been looking for. The boy saves the vampire and they become friends as she tells him were he can find the white wolf but unfortantly its not going to be easy as he is heavly gaurded and runs the city for a powerfull vampire named vallgros.
mr white as he is known by all runs the city and it doesn't take long for word to get out about another like him coming to town. Mike hikan: white wolf with help of venessa a sexy vampire girl find some others to help him kill mr white.

The different kinds of were wolves have there own unique abilitys that comes with there so called breed.
in order of strongest.

white wolf
grey wolf
black wolf
brown wolf

the same goes for vampires but its based on how old they r that makes how strong they r.
valgros being the strongest in the area but not the strongest in the world.


white wolf: The white wolf being the strongest of the were wolves has the unique ability of attacking so fast that what apears to be slow to him is fast too them meening it acts as a slowing time effect ie bullet time to those who played max payne, he gets this power directly from the luna moon. white wolf is also very strong but is not actualy stronger than a black wolf who carrys the most muscle out of the breed but what he lacks in strength he gains in speed and agility.

all were wolves can shape shift freely but only strongest at night being able to leap far and even climb walls.

grey wolf: the grey wolf is also very rare and often isolates him self from the rest of the breed baseing his unique abilitys to the earth and moon and knowlege. they r mostly peacefull and tend to stick too there own kind. one of there unique abilitys is to sence other breeds in a wide range and is one of the only breeds capable of takeing on a vampire.

black wolf: the black wolf is the strongest of the breed but not the quickest. He makes good use as a bodygaurd has he has enough strength to break through walls with enough momentum.

brown wolf: the brown wolf is often used for labour work as he lacks the strength of the black nor has the speed of the white, the so called lacky of the breed doing the dirty work.

hybrid: hybrids r thought to be a combination of the strong breeds but actualy r the weakest. They rarely get into conflicts and stay human most of the time.


the main reason i like this movie is the image i have of white wolf, from the make shift picture i did i had an image of him standing on 2 legs but being able to run on 4 for greater speed, a white mane from head down back with white tail, a wolf shaped face (not like the ones in underworld) closer looking like the were wolves in dog soldiers. The other breeds have same shape with the black wolf being slightly more bigger in muscle mass.

Vampires looks r defined by there clothing mostly and there personality and how old they r.

The ending of the movie i wont be giving away but i will say it leaves it open for a sequel were valgros has more to do with and humans will play a bigger role.

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