Saturday 11 December 2010

werewolf of the moors

The title i am not sure about but the story i have i like. The story follows after the events of the wolfman were scotland yard was bitten and knowing what will happan he leaves isolateing him self out on the moor so he wont cause harm to anyone until he can find a cure. The gypsys who also live out on the moor or aware that he has the curse hunt him down before he can attack anyone but not all the gypsys want him dead. A young gypsy girl who tries to help him falls in love with him. As the gypsys get closer to him he runs deeper into the moors without the girl for her saftey. He keeps running but cant escape what he is anymore and he knows the only way its going to stop is in his death. On the final night after he has stopped running the gypsy girl has tracked him down with word the rest will soon be with him, she begs for him to run away with her but he cant, its time for this to end. The group of gypsys finaly track him down but unfortantly its nightfall and there is a full moon. During the fight the gypsy girl gets attacked but manages to make a final blow killing it. the were wolf turns back into yard with gratitude on his lips and love in his heart but the gift he gave to her will live on. The idea of this movie is to take the wolfman story and join it too another were wolf movie that i love createing a linier story between the 2, the other movie i love is american were wolf in london. this movie would be the start to that and the next part would be the girl who becomes a were wolf and eventualy attacks a man who later becomes the were wolf who attacks the 2 men on the moors in american were wolf in london. The story would tie in with the famous pub the slaughterd lamb and the folks in that area, they know of the were wolf but do not know who the were wolf is but they know he excists because he has been killing their live stock (hense the name of the pub) the story prior to american were wolf wouldn't focus on the man who is the were wolf but focus on those people in the slaughterd lamb and how they managed to survive where others have died.

Monday 6 December 2010

childs play

childs play is a prequel to the original childs play giving you the story prior to charles lee ray reincarnation as chucky. The story follows the serial killer charles lee ray and what he does what he learns while the detecitve following the crimes trys to capture him resulting in a gun fight and chase into a toy factory.

I love the actor who did the voice of chucky and i would want to see him come back and play the part of charles lee ray. We never really got to know who lee ray was in the original and we were left the lasting memory of this scary toy with a soul of a serial killer, scary in it self but there is so much back story that can be done leading up to the original and with Brad Dourif playing the role it can revitlise the franchise of childs play.

The blairwitch

Based on the back story set by the movie of blair witch project. The story tells the story of a woman acused of witch craft and being a witch and the towns folk take her out into the woods tie her too a tree and leave her to die. During the time she is tied too the tree pleeding to be set free denying shes a witch the children poke her with sticks and throw stones at her. Eventualy the town folk forget about her and leave.
weeks after the children of blair start disopearing and the town begins to worrie that the witch has returned to claim the children as punishment for what they did. Not all the people in the town beleive its the work of the witch and some didn't even think she was a witch to begin with and they killed a innocent woman.
They orginise a group to venture into the woods to find the children but what they find is far worse than they could ever imagin.

The blair witch looks r based on i beleive this is a great adaptation of what the blair witch would look like and something i would love to see in a movie.
Their is already alot of info to go on to make this movie so i wont write anymore as you can find alot about it online but this movie has the makings of a good horror movie, the way we want to see the blair witch, not like the hand held camera blair witch project wich to me was good for its style and time but way too shaky and bad quality and not worth the money, the audience wants a movie worth the money so i feel it should be shot as such.